You are looking beautiful and awesome Hong Kong Cantopop singer, film and television actress, and model which name is Theresa Fu Wing. Fu was introduced by Talent Bang model agency in order to become a pop star. She started her career in 2002 as one of the members of Cookies, the group has disbanded since 2005. In 2005 she recorded a duet with Alex Fong. In 2006, she published a book with her personal drawings, stories and views on love[citation needed]. She is also a good friend with her ex-bandmate, Stephy Tang. Click on read more option to see more photos of Theresa Fu Wing ........
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Biografi Luna Maya
Luna Maya Profile - Luna Maya seorang gadis cantik dan seksi yang lahir di Denpasar, Bali, pada tanggal 26 Agustus 1983, dengan agama Islam. Luna adalah aktris sinetron dan film layar lebar Indonesia yang mengawali kariernya sebagai model iklan dan catwalk.
Biografi - Luna Maya mengawali karirnya sebagai bintang model catwalk, kemudian mengembangkan diri dalam seni peran, baik film maupun sinetron. Prestasi menonjolnya sebagai model adalah terpilihnya Luna sebagai Bintang Lux 2006.
Nama Luna Maya semakin melambung di dunia hiburan (entertainment), saat memerani film CINTA SILVER bersama Rima Melati dan Catherine Wilson. Selain aktif di dunia hiburan, Luna juga berbisnis di bidang fashion, dengan membuka butik bernama LM Hardware di Bandung dan Jakarta.

Bintang Luna juga makin bersinar tahun 2008 ini, karena Luna digandeng duta salah satu produk elektronik, Toshiba, dan juga pernah menjadi ikon
Awal Desember 2008, Luna kembali menjalin hubungan dengan mantan kekasihnya, Ariel Peterpan, yang statusnya duda usai bercerai dari Sarah Amalia pada 27 Mei 2008.
Luna yang namanya sempat dicatut pada salah satu situs porno itu semakin mantap melangkah di dunia hiburan. Namanya semakin berkibar setelah menjadi presenter musik acara DAHSYAT di RCTI yang tayang setiap hari bersama artis Raffi Ahmad dan Olga Syahputra.
Jelang penghujung 2009, Luna kembali jadi buah bibir. Hal ini terkait dengan posting status yang berasal dari akun Twitter miliknya terhadap media infotainment.
Kabarnya Luna marah karena putri Ariel, Alleia Anata, yang ia gendong, kala itu sedang tertidur, tak sengaja terantuk kamera wartawan yang akan mewawancarainya. Kontroversi Twitter Luna Maya dimulai saat ia mengupdate status Twitternya dengan Tweet sebagai berikut " Infotainment derajatnya lebh HINA dr pd PELACUR, PEMBUNUH!!!! may ur soul burn in hell!!...". Spontan saja respon dari berbagai kalangan muncul. baik itu respon positif atau negatif. Luna maya akhirnya meminta maaf kepada pihak yang merasa tersinggung dan akhirnya ia menon-aktifkan twitternya tepatnya pada tanggal 15 desember 2009 dengan Tweet terakhirnya "Maaf yaa semua untuk twit yg gak penting itu, tp untuk yg mengerti makasih bgt, tp untuk yg gak ngerti jg maaf...".
Pada tahun 2010, rumor negatif kembali menimpa Luna Maya atas beredarnya rekaman video seks yang melibatkan pasangan yang mirip dengan Luna Maya dan kekasihnya, Ariel (Peterpan). Dalam video berdurasi singkat itu dimulai dengan Luna Maya melakukan oral seks dan dalam video berdurasi panjang, terlihat wajah kedua Luna Maya dan Ariel. Bahkan, di pinggul kiri si perempuan itu terlihat tato bergambar kupu-kupu. Mau lihat videonya..?
Job, Jobs, Employment
Luna Maya Profile - Luna Maya seorang gadis cantik dan seksi yang lahir di Denpasar, Bali, pada tanggal 26 Agustus 1983, dengan agama Islam. Luna adalah aktris sinetron dan film layar lebar Indonesia yang mengawali kariernya sebagai model iklan dan catwalk.
Biografi - Luna Maya mengawali karirnya sebagai bintang model catwalk, kemudian mengembangkan diri dalam seni peran, baik film maupun sinetron. Prestasi menonjolnya sebagai model adalah terpilihnya Luna sebagai Bintang Lux 2006.
Nama Luna Maya semakin melambung di dunia hiburan (entertainment), saat memerani film CINTA SILVER bersama Rima Melati dan Catherine Wilson. Selain aktif di dunia hiburan, Luna juga berbisnis di bidang fashion, dengan membuka butik bernama LM Hardware di Bandung dan Jakarta.

Bintang Luna juga makin bersinar tahun 2008 ini, karena Luna digandeng duta salah satu produk elektronik, Toshiba, dan juga pernah menjadi ikon
Awal Desember 2008, Luna kembali menjalin hubungan dengan mantan kekasihnya, Ariel Peterpan, yang statusnya duda usai bercerai dari Sarah Amalia pada 27 Mei 2008.
Luna yang namanya sempat dicatut pada salah satu situs porno itu semakin mantap melangkah di dunia hiburan. Namanya semakin berkibar setelah menjadi presenter musik acara DAHSYAT di RCTI yang tayang setiap hari bersama artis Raffi Ahmad dan Olga Syahputra.
Jelang penghujung 2009, Luna kembali jadi buah bibir. Hal ini terkait dengan posting status yang berasal dari akun Twitter miliknya terhadap media infotainment.
Kabarnya Luna marah karena putri Ariel, Alleia Anata, yang ia gendong, kala itu sedang tertidur, tak sengaja terantuk kamera wartawan yang akan mewawancarainya. Kontroversi Twitter Luna Maya dimulai saat ia mengupdate status Twitternya dengan Tweet sebagai berikut " Infotainment derajatnya lebh HINA dr pd PELACUR, PEMBUNUH!!!! may ur soul burn in hell!!...". Spontan saja respon dari berbagai kalangan muncul. baik itu respon positif atau negatif. Luna maya akhirnya meminta maaf kepada pihak yang merasa tersinggung dan akhirnya ia menon-aktifkan twitternya tepatnya pada tanggal 15 desember 2009 dengan Tweet terakhirnya "Maaf yaa semua untuk twit yg gak penting itu, tp untuk yg mengerti makasih bgt, tp untuk yg gak ngerti jg maaf...".
Pada tahun 2010, rumor negatif kembali menimpa Luna Maya atas beredarnya rekaman video seks yang melibatkan pasangan yang mirip dengan Luna Maya dan kekasihnya, Ariel (Peterpan). Dalam video berdurasi singkat itu dimulai dengan Luna Maya melakukan oral seks dan dalam video berdurasi panjang, terlihat wajah kedua Luna Maya dan Ariel. Bahkan, di pinggul kiri si perempuan itu terlihat tato bergambar kupu-kupu. Mau lihat videonya..?
Job, Jobs, Employment
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Girls Generation/So Nyuh Shi Dae (SNSD) Profile

Name: 소녀시대 // 少女時代 // Girls' Generation
Romanized: So Nyuh Shi Dae
Nickname: SoShi
Debut Date: August 5, 2007 (On Inkigayo)
Members (9): Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun
Label: SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub: S♥NE [looks like SONE = S (SNSD) + their fans as ONE; pronounced like Sowon; means "Wish" in Korean and was a song on their first single (Perfect for You) as well as first album (Honey)]
Official Website:

Stage Name: Taeyeon
Birth Name: Kim Taeyeon
Group Position : Leader & Main Vocalist
Motto : Don't do something that you'll regret later.
Nicknames : Umma, Ajumma, Kid Leader, Tete, MungTaeng (Dumb Taeyeon), Taeng, Byeon Taeng
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: March 9, 1989
Homeplace : Jeonrado Jeonju
Height: 160cm
Weight: 44kg
Blood Type: O
School: Jeonju Art High School
Hobbies : Swimming
Interests: Makeup, Perfume, Music
Casted: 2004 8th Annual Best Contest (Best Singer 1st Place & Grand Award)
Attended SM Academy
-2004 Featured in The One's song "You Bring Me Joy"
-2008 DJ for MBC's Chinhan Chingu (current)
Fancafe: [SMART]
Duration of Training: 4 years and 3 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Merry-Go-Round
Favorite Pajamas type : Long Sleeved
Hairstyle for Future Partner : Clean-Cut
Qualities for Future Partner : Positive & Humorous Guy
Special Habits : Needs to take down what to do, loves to talk incessantly, sleeps with eyes open & in a
yoga position
Favorite Fruits : Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Tomato
Favorite Male Artists : Kim Dongwan , Kang Dongwon, Yoon Kyesang
Favorite Female Artists : Han Gain , Kim Taehee
Future Hopes : To be a very good live performer
Favorite Numbers : 22 (on the GG Jumper), 3, 6, 9
Favorite Drink: Black Soya
Best Dish (that she can make) : Omelet Rice
Favorite Snack: Kancho Black Sesame Flavor & Yanggeng
Favorite Animal: Puppies, Cat, Tiger
Favorite Plant: Cactus
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Subjects : Science, English, Hangul, Sports
Countries She wants to most visit : Japan, England, and America
Favorite Flower: Any flower that is purple
Happiest Time of the Day: At night sleeping
Weak Point : Can't remember very well, poor memory
Motto : Never Do Things You Will Regret
Favorite Color: Light Blue, Purple-Blue
Most Interesting Movie : National Treasure
Most Interesting Drama : Japanese Dramas
Favorite Manga : Dragon Ball Z (Favorite Character is Vegeta)
Roommate/s : Yoona & Sooyoung
Trainee Day Roommate/s : Tiffany & Jang Ri In

Stage Name: Jessica
Birth Name: Jessica Jung Sooyeon
Korean Name: Jung Sooyeon
Group Position : Main Vocalist
Nicknames : Ice Princess, Sica, Sicachu, Ajumma
Motto: Follow my heart ..
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English (Fluent) , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: April 18, 1989
Height: 163cm
Weight: 45kg
Blood Type: B
Sibling : Younger Sister (Crystal)
School: Korea Kent Foreign School, Graduated
Casted: 2000 SM Casting System
Fancafe: [Sweet Jessica]
Duration of Training: 7 years and 6 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 52
Ideal Man : Lee Sunho
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Hobbies : Boxing & Soccer
Interests: Reading books & magazines, watching movies, listening to music, sleeping & singing
Roommate/s : Hyoyeon

Stage Name: Sunny
Birth Name: Lee Sunkyu
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nickname : DJ Soon, Sunny Bunny
Motto : Everyday Sunny Day
Blood Type : B
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: May 15, 1989
Height: 158cm
Weight: 43kg
Hobbies : Swimming, Video Games, Sports
Interests : Music, Fashion, reading magazines, dancing, singing & shopping.
School: Baehwa All-Girls High School
Casted: 2007 SM Casting System
-2008 DJ for Melon's Chunji
Fancafe: [Daisy]
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 26
Ideal Man : Jo Insung
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Ooh! La-La.
Roommate/s : Yuri

Stage Name: Tiffany
Birth Name: Stephanie Hwang
Korean Name: Hwang Mi Young
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nicknames : Spongebob Hwang, Fany Fany Tiffany, Human Jukebox, Mushroom, Tiffiana, JumFany, AjumNy,
Ddilfany, Bam Fany
Motto : Just work hard (Practice makes Perfect)
Languages : Korean , English (Fluent) , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic), Spanish (Basic)
DOB: August 1, 1989
Height: 163cm
Weight: 50kg
Languages : English
Hobbies : Flute
School: Korea Kent Foreign School, Graduated, Middle School - South Pointe (US), High School - Diamond
Bar (US)
Casted: 2004 SM Casting System; 2004 CJ/KMTV (USA-LA) Contest 1st Place
-2008 MC for MNet's Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso (Boys & Girls Music Countdown)
Fancafe: [Evergreen]
Siblings : Older Brother (Leo) & Older Sister (Michelle)
Duration of Training: 3 years and 7 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 07
Ideal Man : Dennis Oh
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Baby Baby
Hobbies : Flute
Favorite Color : Pink
Favorite Jewelry Brand : Tiffany & Co.
Blood Type : O
Favorite Smiling Eyes : Lee Hyori, Kim Tae Hee
Song Repitoire : Over 50 songs
Special Habits : Cutting her food before eating
Her Charm : Liveliness, but also this is her weakness
Closest to : Taeyeon
Roommate/s : Seo Hyun
Trainee Day Roommate/s : Taeyeon & Jang Ri In

Stage Name: HyoYeon
Birth Name: Kim Hyo Yeon
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist & Main Dancer
Nicknames : Princess Fiona, Dancing Queen, Hyorengi (Tiger)
Motto : Everyone that works hard will succeed.
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English , Chinese (Fluent) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: September 22, 1989
Height: 158cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: AB
School: 2004.3~8 Studied Mandarin Chinese in Beijing, China
Casted: 2000 SM Casting System
-2005 M.Net/KM Music Festival - BoA's 'Over the Top' silhouette dancer
Fancafe: [Venus Hyoyeon]
Duration of Training: 6 years and 1 month
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 85
Ideal Man : Brian Joo
Hobbies : Dancing
Roommate/s : Jessica

Stage Name: YuRi
Birth Name: Kwon Yu Ri
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist & Lead Dancer
Nicknames : Black Pearl & Kkamyool & Kkamchi & Ggab-Yul
Languages : Korean (Fluent), English, Chinese (Fluent), Japanese
DOB: December 5, 1989
Height: 167cm
Weight: 45kg
Blood Type: AB
School: NeungGok High School, Graduated (2008)
Casted: 2001 SM 1st Annual Youth Best Contest
-2005 KM Super Junior Show 'The King's Boyfriend'
-2006 DBSK's Beautiful Life MV
-2006 Orion Chocopie Chinese CF w/ Jang Donggun
-2006 Dongil Highvill CF
-2007 DBSK's Second Concert guest appearance
-Hot Choco Mite CF
-2007 Attack on the Flower Boys Movie
-2007/2008 MBC Sitcom : Unstoppable Marriage
Fancafe: [Yuri Princess]
Duration of Training: 5 years and 11 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 19
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Baby, Baby
Hobbies : Dancing, Ballet, Piano, Swimming, Violin
Morning Delight : Likes to grind "Ma" [Korean Yam] and "Arrowfoot" for healthy drinks in the morning
Roommate/s : Sunny
She's fond of Fridays.

Stage Name: SooYoung
Birth Name: Choi Soo Young
English Name: 썸머 Summer
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nickname : ShikShin (Food God), NaSoo (Interrupter)
Motto : Let's not procrastinate
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Fluent)
DOB: February 10, 1990
Height: 170cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: O
School: Jungshin All-Girls High School
Casted: 2000 SM Open Audition
2002 Korea-Japan Ultra Idol Duo Audition
-2002 Debuted in Japan in the duo Route 0
-2003 Samsung AnyCall CF w/ Park Jungah
-2003 Japan Chubbygang Clothing Model
-2004 Skoolooks Uniform Model
-2005 M.Net Hello Chat VJ
-2007 DMB ChunBangJiChuk Radio DJ (with Super Junior's Sungmin)
-2007/2008 MBC Sitcom : Unstoppable Marriage
Fancafe: [Remember]
Siblings : Older Sister (Soojin)
Duration of Training: 6 years and 3 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 08
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Yoona & Taeyeon
Trainee Day Roommate/s (In Japan) : Boa & Sunday (CSJH)

Stage Name: YoonA
Birth Name: Im Yoon Ah
Nick names : Deer Yoona, Him Yoona (Strength Yoona), Goddess Yoong, Yoong
Motto : Be confident in everything
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: May 30, 1990
Height: 166cm (168cm or so she states herself)
Weight: 47kg
Blood Type: B
School: Daeyoung High School, 2nd Year
Casted: 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition
-2004 TVXQ's Magic Castle MV
-2006 Sanyo Eneloop CF
-2006 Teun Teun English 'Follow Me' CF
-2006 TVXQ First Concert guest appearance
-2006 Super Junior's U MV
-2006 TZSX's ¾óÁ¤ (My Everything) MV
-2007 Elite CF with SS501
-2007 Sunkist Lemonade CF w/ Super Junior's Kangin, Heechul | Version 2
-2007 Clean and Clear CF
-2007 MBC drama - 9 Hits, 2 Outs
-2007 Super Junior's Marry U mv
-2008 Lee Seung Chul's 'Propose' MV
-2008 Sola VitaminC CF
-2008 YeJiMiIn wise beauty CF
-2008 Clean and Clear CF
-2008 KBS daily sitcom - Unstoppable Marriage (cameo)
-2008 MBC drama - Park Jung Geum (cameo)
-2008 KBS daily drama - You Are My Destiny
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Netizens popularity award
-Cindy the Perky, eCole, Dasoo magazines
Fancafe: [Luxury Brand]
Duration of Training: 7 years and 2 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 93
Ideal Man : Daniel Henney
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Sooyoung & Taeyeon

Stage Name: Seo Hyun
Birth Name: Seo Joo Hyun
Nickname : Maknae, Seororo
Motto : If your dream is alive, then one day it will come true.
Group Position : Lead Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Fluent) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: June 28, 1991
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: A
School: Daeyoung High School
Casted: 2003 SM Casting System
-2004 SMART Uniform Model
Fancafe: [Star]
Duration of Training: 6 years and 6 months
Extra Information
Favorite Number : 64
Ideal Man : Johnny Depp
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Kissing You
Hobbies : Piano
Favorite Anime : Keroro
Favorite Fruit : Watermelon
Favorite Drama : Nodame Cantabile
Favorite Movie : Pirates of the Caribbean
Roommate/s : Tiffany
Job, Jobs, Employment
Name: 소녀시대 // 少女時代 // Girls' Generation
Romanized: So Nyuh Shi Dae
Nickname: SoShi
Debut Date: August 5, 2007 (On Inkigayo)
Members (9): Taeyeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, Yoona, Seohyun
Label: SM Entertainment
Official Fanclub: S♥NE [looks like SONE = S (SNSD) + their fans as ONE; pronounced like Sowon; means "Wish" in Korean and was a song on their first single (Perfect for You) as well as first album (Honey)]
Official Website:
Stage Name: Taeyeon
Birth Name: Kim Taeyeon
Group Position : Leader & Main Vocalist
Motto : Don't do something that you'll regret later.
Nicknames : Umma, Ajumma, Kid Leader, Tete, MungTaeng (Dumb Taeyeon), Taeng, Byeon Taeng
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: March 9, 1989
Homeplace : Jeonrado Jeonju
Height: 160cm
Weight: 44kg
Blood Type: O
School: Jeonju Art High School
Hobbies : Swimming
Interests: Makeup, Perfume, Music
Casted: 2004 8th Annual Best Contest (Best Singer 1st Place & Grand Award)
Attended SM Academy
-2004 Featured in The One's song "You Bring Me Joy"
-2008 DJ for MBC's Chinhan Chingu (current)
Fancafe: [SMART]
Duration of Training: 4 years and 3 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Merry-Go-Round
Favorite Pajamas type : Long Sleeved
Hairstyle for Future Partner : Clean-Cut
Qualities for Future Partner : Positive & Humorous Guy
Special Habits : Needs to take down what to do, loves to talk incessantly, sleeps with eyes open & in a
yoga position
Favorite Fruits : Orange, Apple, Strawberry, Tomato
Favorite Male Artists : Kim Dongwan , Kang Dongwon, Yoon Kyesang
Favorite Female Artists : Han Gain , Kim Taehee
Future Hopes : To be a very good live performer
Favorite Numbers : 22 (on the GG Jumper), 3, 6, 9
Favorite Drink: Black Soya
Best Dish (that she can make) : Omelet Rice
Favorite Snack: Kancho Black Sesame Flavor & Yanggeng
Favorite Animal: Puppies, Cat, Tiger
Favorite Plant: Cactus
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Subjects : Science, English, Hangul, Sports
Countries She wants to most visit : Japan, England, and America
Favorite Flower: Any flower that is purple
Happiest Time of the Day: At night sleeping
Weak Point : Can't remember very well, poor memory
Motto : Never Do Things You Will Regret
Favorite Color: Light Blue, Purple-Blue
Most Interesting Movie : National Treasure
Most Interesting Drama : Japanese Dramas
Favorite Manga : Dragon Ball Z (Favorite Character is Vegeta)
Roommate/s : Yoona & Sooyoung
Trainee Day Roommate/s : Tiffany & Jang Ri In
Stage Name: Jessica
Birth Name: Jessica Jung Sooyeon
Korean Name: Jung Sooyeon
Group Position : Main Vocalist
Nicknames : Ice Princess, Sica, Sicachu, Ajumma
Motto: Follow my heart ..
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English (Fluent) , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: April 18, 1989
Height: 163cm
Weight: 45kg
Blood Type: B
Sibling : Younger Sister (Crystal)
School: Korea Kent Foreign School, Graduated
Casted: 2000 SM Casting System
Fancafe: [Sweet Jessica]
Duration of Training: 7 years and 6 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 52
Ideal Man : Lee Sunho
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Hobbies : Boxing & Soccer
Interests: Reading books & magazines, watching movies, listening to music, sleeping & singing
Roommate/s : Hyoyeon
Stage Name: Sunny
Birth Name: Lee Sunkyu
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nickname : DJ Soon, Sunny Bunny
Motto : Everyday Sunny Day
Blood Type : B
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: May 15, 1989
Height: 158cm
Weight: 43kg
Hobbies : Swimming, Video Games, Sports
Interests : Music, Fashion, reading magazines, dancing, singing & shopping.
School: Baehwa All-Girls High School
Casted: 2007 SM Casting System
-2008 DJ for Melon's Chunji
Fancafe: [Daisy]
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 26
Ideal Man : Jo Insung
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Ooh! La-La.
Roommate/s : Yuri
Stage Name: Tiffany
Birth Name: Stephanie Hwang
Korean Name: Hwang Mi Young
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nicknames : Spongebob Hwang, Fany Fany Tiffany, Human Jukebox, Mushroom, Tiffiana, JumFany, AjumNy,
Ddilfany, Bam Fany
Motto : Just work hard (Practice makes Perfect)
Languages : Korean , English (Fluent) , Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic), Spanish (Basic)
DOB: August 1, 1989
Height: 163cm
Weight: 50kg
Languages : English
Hobbies : Flute
School: Korea Kent Foreign School, Graduated, Middle School - South Pointe (US), High School - Diamond
Bar (US)
Casted: 2004 SM Casting System; 2004 CJ/KMTV (USA-LA) Contest 1st Place
-2008 MC for MNet's Sonyeon Sonyeo Gayo Baekso (Boys & Girls Music Countdown)
Fancafe: [Evergreen]
Siblings : Older Brother (Leo) & Older Sister (Michelle)
Duration of Training: 3 years and 7 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 07
Ideal Man : Dennis Oh
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Baby Baby
Hobbies : Flute
Favorite Color : Pink
Favorite Jewelry Brand : Tiffany & Co.
Blood Type : O
Favorite Smiling Eyes : Lee Hyori, Kim Tae Hee
Song Repitoire : Over 50 songs
Special Habits : Cutting her food before eating
Her Charm : Liveliness, but also this is her weakness
Closest to : Taeyeon
Roommate/s : Seo Hyun
Trainee Day Roommate/s : Taeyeon & Jang Ri In
Stage Name: HyoYeon
Birth Name: Kim Hyo Yeon
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist & Main Dancer
Nicknames : Princess Fiona, Dancing Queen, Hyorengi (Tiger)
Motto : Everyone that works hard will succeed.
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English , Chinese (Fluent) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: September 22, 1989
Height: 158cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: AB
School: 2004.3~8 Studied Mandarin Chinese in Beijing, China
Casted: 2000 SM Casting System
-2005 M.Net/KM Music Festival - BoA's 'Over the Top' silhouette dancer
Fancafe: [Venus Hyoyeon]
Duration of Training: 6 years and 1 month
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 85
Ideal Man : Brian Joo
Hobbies : Dancing
Roommate/s : Jessica
Stage Name: YuRi
Birth Name: Kwon Yu Ri
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist & Lead Dancer
Nicknames : Black Pearl & Kkamyool & Kkamchi & Ggab-Yul
Languages : Korean (Fluent), English, Chinese (Fluent), Japanese
DOB: December 5, 1989
Height: 167cm
Weight: 45kg
Blood Type: AB
School: NeungGok High School, Graduated (2008)
Casted: 2001 SM 1st Annual Youth Best Contest
-2005 KM Super Junior Show 'The King's Boyfriend'
-2006 DBSK's Beautiful Life MV
-2006 Orion Chocopie Chinese CF w/ Jang Donggun
-2006 Dongil Highvill CF
-2007 DBSK's Second Concert guest appearance
-Hot Choco Mite CF
-2007 Attack on the Flower Boys Movie
-2007/2008 MBC Sitcom : Unstoppable Marriage
Fancafe: [Yuri Princess]
Duration of Training: 5 years and 11 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 19
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Baby, Baby
Hobbies : Dancing, Ballet, Piano, Swimming, Violin
Morning Delight : Likes to grind "Ma" [Korean Yam] and "Arrowfoot" for healthy drinks in the morning
Roommate/s : Sunny
She's fond of Fridays.
Stage Name: SooYoung
Birth Name: Choi Soo Young
English Name: 썸머 Summer
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Nickname : ShikShin (Food God), NaSoo (Interrupter)
Motto : Let's not procrastinate
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Fluent)
DOB: February 10, 1990
Height: 170cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: O
School: Jungshin All-Girls High School
Casted: 2000 SM Open Audition
2002 Korea-Japan Ultra Idol Duo Audition
-2002 Debuted in Japan in the duo Route 0
-2003 Samsung AnyCall CF w/ Park Jungah
-2003 Japan Chubbygang Clothing Model
-2004 Skoolooks Uniform Model
-2005 M.Net Hello Chat VJ
-2007 DMB ChunBangJiChuk Radio DJ (with Super Junior's Sungmin)
-2007/2008 MBC Sitcom : Unstoppable Marriage
Fancafe: [Remember]
Siblings : Older Sister (Soojin)
Duration of Training: 6 years and 3 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 08
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Yoona & Taeyeon
Trainee Day Roommate/s (In Japan) : Boa & Sunday (CSJH)
Stage Name: YoonA
Birth Name: Im Yoon Ah
Nick names : Deer Yoona, Him Yoona (Strength Yoona), Goddess Yoong, Yoong
Motto : Be confident in everything
Group Position : Supporting Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Basic) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: May 30, 1990
Height: 166cm (168cm or so she states herself)
Weight: 47kg
Blood Type: B
School: Daeyoung High School, 2nd Year
Casted: 2002 SM Saturday Open Casting Audition
-2004 TVXQ's Magic Castle MV
-2006 Sanyo Eneloop CF
-2006 Teun Teun English 'Follow Me' CF
-2006 TVXQ First Concert guest appearance
-2006 Super Junior's U MV
-2006 TZSX's ¾óÁ¤ (My Everything) MV
-2007 Elite CF with SS501
-2007 Sunkist Lemonade CF w/ Super Junior's Kangin, Heechul | Version 2
-2007 Clean and Clear CF
-2007 MBC drama - 9 Hits, 2 Outs
-2007 Super Junior's Marry U mv
-2008 Lee Seung Chul's 'Propose' MV
-2008 Sola VitaminC CF
-2008 YeJiMiIn wise beauty CF
-2008 Clean and Clear CF
-2008 KBS daily sitcom - Unstoppable Marriage (cameo)
-2008 MBC drama - Park Jung Geum (cameo)
-2008 KBS daily drama - You Are My Destiny
-2008 Korea Drama Festival - Netizens popularity award
-Cindy the Perky, eCole, Dasoo magazines
Fancafe: [Luxury Brand]
Duration of Training: 7 years and 2 months
Extra Information;
Favorite Number : 93
Ideal Man : Daniel Henney
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Complete
Roommate/s : Sooyoung & Taeyeon
Stage Name: Seo Hyun
Birth Name: Seo Joo Hyun
Nickname : Maknae, Seororo
Motto : If your dream is alive, then one day it will come true.
Group Position : Lead Vocalist
Languages : Korean (Fluent) , English, Chinese (Fluent) , Japanese (Basic)
DOB: June 28, 1991
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg
Blood Type: A
School: Daeyoung High School
Casted: 2003 SM Casting System
-2004 SMART Uniform Model
Fancafe: [Star]
Duration of Training: 6 years and 6 months
Extra Information
Favorite Number : 64
Ideal Man : Johnny Depp
Favorite Song from Girls' Generation : Kissing You
Hobbies : Piano
Favorite Anime : Keroro
Favorite Fruit : Watermelon
Favorite Drama : Nodame Cantabile
Favorite Movie : Pirates of the Caribbean
Roommate/s : Tiffany
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
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