Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Hollywood Singer Selena Gomez Latest Performing Photo Shoot
britney spears femme fatale
10^21 operations per second and it'll still be wrong.:rolleyes:
I don't think the weatherman is shaking in his boots just yet.:D
no sry i was responding to a different poster on a different site, yay for tabs :P
If you feel that something is bad, then as a web designer, you need to stand up to those above you and explain why it is bad and convince them of a better way to do something. They will respect you more if you start contributing ideas and things that will work better than if you just do what they say and never give any input at all.
lol obviosly you've never worked in our office, "best choice" or "better" don't come into play :P
I have two internet connections here, one via GBit-Ethernet to my Mac Mini and a slower one connected to my WiFi router. I just bought a wireless printer, thus I need to connect the Mini to the WiFi to print.
I think this is not explicitly specified, but which connection will be used to route to the internet? It would be unfortunate to use the WiFi, as it's about 5 times slower.
Can I set the wired connection to be default for all connections, and route only the traffic that really has to go into the WiFi? All that comes to mind at the moment is removing the gateway/router address.
Better ideas?
i take it your taking static routes you could bond them together but thats hard and kinda pointlesss id get rid of the dsl conection stick the gige line into the router bridge that to wifi and wire in the pc/mac to the same router done

I'm working on a Space Invaders testcase.
You know those barriers right? Where you can hide behind and shoot a hole through? That's what I want to achieve.
Is it possible to do a collisiondetection pixelwise? And make a series of pixels of that sprite transparent after collision?
I'm using Cocos2d by the way.
I think I'll have to go with a custom MutableTexture2d for fast getting and setting of pixels:
My idea is:
- First do a pixel perfect collision detection using the pixelAt function
- If there's a collision do a 'sprite merge' with one sprite being an impact-radius sprite and of course the barrier sprite using setPixelAt.
Hope that's going to work out (performance).
Any other thoughts on the subject are very welcome.
Don't you mean pay your taxes Amazon customers? The reprieve was on people living in SC not having to pay sales tax on things they buy via Amazon.

If you have iFile or OpenSSH installed, you can use them to install it. Let me know if you need instructions.
Otherwise there are others in various non-standard Cydia repositories, which you would have to add to Cydia:
http://cydia.myrepospace.com/iDignify/ (which hasn't been working lately)
but Saurik's actually has more features, despite the lower version number.
If you need to install it through ifile then I'm guessing you have to uninstall it through ifile as well? I haven't installed/uninstalled anything through SSH-ing or ifile yet so some instructions would be much appreciated!
Edit: is it really as simple as selecting install from within ifile? I clicked the link you gave for the beta on the iPod and safari let me open the deb file in ifile. Don't wanna mess anything up but man it sure seems simple.
Edit 2: well I went ahead and installed it, it works! Thanks a bunch.
you could edit the httpd.conf to search for htaccess instead of .htaccess :)
i kept all my .ht files hidden, by design. i apologize if i implied i was using "htaccess" instead of ".htaccess".

How does it work with audiobooks?
Say I listen to an audiobook, can I swich and listen to another song for a while, and then return to the audiobook and start where I last stopped? Or do I have to listen to the whole book at once?
Sorry but the antennagate is very real.
I went to my local Apple store the other day, and picked up an iPhone 4 and bridged the gap with my left hand. The bars dropped from full to 1.
Now you might say, "who holds their iPhone like that?" well, sometimes i actually do, i hold my iPhone 3G like that sometimes.
I understand that a few phones do the same thing, if i hold my iPhone 3G is an awkward position i can get it to drop bars as well. But the iPhone 4's weak spot is a very common way of holding a phone, that's where they went wrong.
It's pretty clear the iPhone 4 didn't have the media attention, and i believe Apple is keeping the iPhone 5 in secrecy so that they come out with a bang.
Also, why is this in the iMac forum?
Are there other wireless networks in the area of yours? Perhaps they are causing interference. Do you live in an apartment or house? What room of your apartment/house are you in with regard to where the airport is located?
Interference Robustness is supposed to help your airport card deal with interference (but shortens your range). My first impression is that something (or someone) is causing interference. Check and see if you pick up any other wireless networks when you go to connect to yours.
I don't own an Airport base station, but I would guess it has similar features to most other routers (firewall, mac filtering etc) - you may wish to play around with its settings (specifically anything related to 'channels') with regard to interference issues and other wireless networks.
Just some ideas.
I am 99.9% sure if you show up at an Apple Store at 6am you'll walk out with an iPhone 4 - even if they open at 8am.
Those that showed up at 7am to the Apple Stores during the iPad launch were able to get iPad's.
6am is a safe bet.
Guess, what? It sure didn't take too long for them to break down and/or malfunction. They never bothered repairing them, they just exchanged them for separates.
As incredibly vague as that is, it doesn't help anyone. I'm guessing that those were probably Lexmark (or Dell, which are the same thing) units as my parents' Lexmark all-in-one broke after about a year while my Epson CX5200 is still going strong for them and my CX6400 is not quite a year old but working well.
However, had Canon had all-in-ones available at the time I got the CX6400, as they do now, I would have gone for a Canon model instead.
miu miu leather shoulder bag
1 x 500GB HD in SATA RAID enclosure. 1 empty bay plus $300.
2 x 500GB in SATA RAID enclosure plus $200.
He was ruled by his cock.
All cock, and no balls.
Down here, we have these things called gloves... :D
On a serious note, I find that the pre-shaped neoprene Kayaker's gloves work well, as well as everything else you might need to touch in the winter- I can operate my camera gear without removing them and shove them into a pair of mittens while I'm waiting around.
I've used a digital camera that supported the webcam function with ichatusb, and it makes sense from a cost perspective.
What? You don't like these?
Sorry man I'm not very impressed, it's clean and simple yes, but the darkish coloured text on the blue box doesn't really have alot of contrast, sure you can read it but it certanly doesn't jump out at you. Plus I've never been a big fan of super minimalist design, add some gradiants!
The text colour needs to be adjusted a bit but here's the direction I'd take it.
hmm..well the colours i've used are taken from coldplay's own artwork. i'm glad it doesn't attract attention..that'd distract people from seeing the video.
anyway, i simply wanted an alternative page to direct specific ad runs to as opposed to a blog posting. and while you may not find a coldplay ad interesting - 22,000 other people did. :)
but thanks for the advice.
note: attached is how it looks (in case i pull the page, this thread would be useless)
Go into whatever your equivalent to the Contacts under Gmail is, and add contacts in there. I just tried to close and reopen the Contacts app and it saves your folder between sessions.
Probably gonna get it from Google Books, so I can read it on my computers, my phone and eventually, an iPad. Price is no issue (whole dollar or so difference).
Only problem (and one i just found out) is that since i live in Alaska, newegg wants to charge me 20 dollars shipping for anything i buy. Maybe I can find that on amazon.
Memory: how many open slots I was considering doing another 'Upgrade Guide', but perhaps one great big one would be best...
HD: speed of HD Something I got rid of purely because I couldn't find the speed of the Mac mini's (is it that bad? Again, I'll try...
Optical: speed of Superdrive *adds to list*
Display: external monitor spanning vs. mirroring Is this really needed, as you can usually hack it anyway.
Price: US$ as well *cough*
Ports: PowerBooks have a PC card slot; also maybe a separate category for audio to do list.
Notes: maybe make a separate box for "Last Updated" good idea.
...enter the specs you want (i.e. combo drive, FW800, USB2, 128 MB Vram), and then it would give you the various machines that can be configured that way, with prices... I was planning on doing something similar eventually. Maybe the ability to turn columns or rows on and off.
How about having a seperate BTO column, instead of cramming it in with the standard config? What are your thoughts on that?
Link. (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834131115)
Bowers & Wilkins (Headphones)
Sennheiser (Earbuds)
Canon cameras
PRS Electric Guitars
Martin Acoustic Guitars
Laney Amplifiers
Ray Ban sunglasses
Dr. Marten boots
New Balance shoes
Pacsun Jeans
H&M T-shirts
Glaceau Smartwater
Axe bodyspray (kilo)
Cool.:cool: Looks like the hardware pages, which I like, a lot.
Yeah. I think it's a great improvement :)
4GB (2x2GB) 1333MHz
MacBook 13" 2008 Unibody. 2.0 GHz C2D. Mac OS X 10.6.7. 160GB Stock 5400RPM.
will be very appreciated (+ virtual cookie)
have heard of crucial and OWC... is it good?
and the ridiculously expensive Corsair RAM
You might be able to host images on MyPhotoAlbum...
which makes a simple way to share pictures and store them online. Otherwise you can use Imageshack, which isn't as robust but allows linking the photos from offsite and allows for hosting unlimited images.
This makes absolutely no sense. Even from 4.2.1 you can save your 4.3.1 blobs.
I wish :rolleyes:
i'll have blue converse on... :cool:
Composition: All four photos have the subject placed directly in the middle of the image - it's very matter-of-fact, and not interesting to the eye.
Attention to detail: For stock or competition you can't have mistakes in your images. The cheetahs are missing their tails, the deer seems to have only one horn (or something odd going on with it's ear), two of the camels are missing rear feet - and I can see the top of a landrover over the next hill.
Finish: To take pictures to the next level you have to do some post processing to make sure brightness, contrast, saturation and sharpness are all good. These images could all do with some work.
I don't want to put you off - you're enthusiastic about your photography, which is great. Why not start entering photo competitions (plenty of photo forums online that do competitions) so that you can get feedback to help you improve? Also try to look at your pictures a lot more critically.
Shriya Saran will be a part of Kamal Haasan's Viswaroopam!
The Kollywood grapevine is abuzz that Shriya Saran will be a part of Kamal Haasan's forthcoming Viswaroopam!
As per a source: "Sonakshi Sinha has been signed to play the main female lead in Viswaroopam. Shriya is likely to play the second heroine in the film and may be Kamal's love interest. The earlier director, Selvaraghavan, gave her a narration of her role and she liked it"
Shriya had been earlier signed to play a role in Kamal's Marmayogi and had even done a photo shoot for the film. And now that Kamal is directing Viswaroopam, Shreya stands a good chance to be part of the film.
Shriya Saran will be a part of Kamal Haasan's Viswaroopam!
The Kollywood grapevine is abuzz that Shriya Saran will be a part of Kamal Haasan's forthcoming Viswaroopam!
As per a source: "Sonakshi Sinha has been signed to play the main female lead in Viswaroopam. Shriya is likely to play the second heroine in the film and may be Kamal's love interest. The earlier director, Selvaraghavan, gave her a narration of her role and she liked it"
Shriya had been earlier signed to play a role in Kamal's Marmayogi and had even done a photo shoot for the film. And now that Kamal is directing Viswaroopam, Shreya stands a good chance to be part of the film.