Wednesday, June 1, 2011

beautifulair style braids 19

Le Happy: Don't walk away in silence
Michelle said... What a perfect maxi skirt and sheer jacket! Hope your appointment went okay sweet. xx. June 01, 2011 1:16 PM · s said... beautiful ;)) STREET LIFE: The BRAID or the IT-HAIRSTYLE ...

What is the latest hair style for high school girls? | Break All Day
idk about the mullet maybe its where u live but here in baltimore we wear braids [[called 200's or micro minis]] or soft waves and buns, or curls or getting it cut and making your own hair style up always seem 2 work ... While there is a sensuous nature to beautiful hair this is an group not Despite the classification by Yahoo. , You can see this Group here at this link Http: / / groups. yahoo. com / group / woman hair / If You Like Strange ...

Beads, Braids, & Beyond: Diva Spotlight: Brooke
I wash her hair once a week along with a deep condition. We do twist and braid outs along with french braids. Her hair is moisturized weekly, and styles usually last up to 3-4 days (I'm a stickler for seeing little girls look neat and PRETTY all the time) so no ... I told her the difference between her hair, and other nationalities, and that her hair was just as beautiful as theirs. She accepted everything I told her and she LOVES every strand of her hair. ...

Her Best Hair: Sunday Style: 8 plait Braid-Out
Sunday Style: 8 plait Braid-Out. Sunday's hair was created out of pure laziness. On Saturday I wore a braid-out that was created with some plaits set with KBB Heavenly Jojoba Oil. On Saturday night I re-plaited the hair ...

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